Friday, December 19, 2008
Bathroom Math
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
More Fractals
So fractals and all the shapes they are in and can become have really started to amaze me. Here's another video showing how with simple manipulation, fractals can change from one thing to the next.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
fibanocci sequence/Human body fractals

I came across this charm with the fibanocci sequence and never would of considered it a fractal until now. It fits its description and relates to more nature and patterns in everyday life, like in plants growth and in our body portions.
Human Body
If you are still not convinced that that fractals, being a math topic, are very important in real life, your opinion might change after finding out that you yourself are made of fractals!
The first place where this is found is rather obvious to anyone who knows fractals — in the pulmonary system, which you use to breathe. The pulmonary system is composed of tubes, through which the air passes into microscopic sacks called alveoli. The main tube of the system is trachea, which splits into two smaller tubes that lead to different lungs, called the bronchi. The bronchi are in turn split into smaller tubes, which are even further split. This splitting continues further and further until the smallest tubes, called the bronchioles which lead into the alveoli. This description is similar to that of a typical fractal, especially a fractal canopie, which is formed by splitting lines:
The endpoints of the pulmonary tubes, the alveoli, are extremely close to each other. The property of endpoints being interconnected is another property of fractal canopies.
Another supporting evidence that your lungs are fractal comes from measurements of the alveolar area, which was found to be 80 m2 with light microscopy and 140 m2 at higher magnification with electron microscopy. From the geometric method we know that the increase in size with magnification is one of the properties of fractals!
Similarly to bronchial tubes, splitting can also be found in blood vessels. Arteries, for example start with the aorta, which splits into smaller blood vessels. The smaller ones split as well, and the splitting continues until the capillaries, which, just like alveoli, are extremely close to each other. Because of this, blood vessels can also be described by fractal canopies.
The surface of the brain, where the highest level of thinking takes place contain a large number of folds. Because of this, a human, who is the most intellectually advanced animal, has the most folded surface of the brain as well. Geometrically, the increase in folding means the increase in . Instead of 2, which is the dimension of a smooth surface, the surface of a brain has a dimension greater than 2. In humans, it is obviously the highest, being as large as between 2.73 – 2.79. Here’s another topic for science fiction: super-intelligent beings with a fractal brain of dimension up to 3!
The surface folding similar to that of a brain was found in many other surfaces, such as the ones inside the cell on mitochondria, which is used for obtaining energy and the endoplasmic reticulum, which is used for transporting materials. The same kind of folding was found in the nasal membrane, which allows sensing smells better by increasing the sensing surface. However, in humans this membrane is less fractal than in other animals, which makes them less sensitive to smells.
The fractal dimension of some anatomical structures are given below. Note that all dimensions are greater than you would expect them to be, and most are fractions, which automatically implies that the structures are fractal.
Anatomical Structure | Fractal Dimension |
Bronchial Tubes | very close to 3 |
Arteries | 2.7 |
Brain | 2.73 – 2.79 |
Alveolar Membrane | 2.17 |
Mitochondrial Membrane (outer) | 2.09 |
Mitochondrial Membrane (inner) | 2.53 |
Endoplasmic Reticulum | 1.72 |
Fractals, in addition to the anatomical structures above can be found in the body on smaller scales in various molecules.
fractal inspired tattoos
create your own snow flakes/fractals/wallpaper patterns.
more unique fractal art
Friday, December 12, 2008
Math Anxiety
TIps for dealing with math anxiety
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The building blocks
A few basic designs
They really remind me of Tetris, mostly.
Fractal Cow?

Just look at this!
Here you can find the blog dedicated to this cow.
This is what they are saying about it:
The Fractal Cow projects the contradictory vision of contemporary architecture that fractal spaces of nature are being replaced by the artificial fractal spaces of our society.
The conditions of our world's interconnected, hyperactive and dense space can be explored as we perceive it, with its inherent fractal dimensions and qualities exceeding the Cartesian concept of space that has dominated architecture and sculpture.
The underlying structure and labyrinthine networks of the city's architecture are artificial representations of the forms of nature and threaten to obliterate natural environments and vegetation at the same time.
Fractals in nature
Romanesco Broccoli
Trees and plants, specifically the Fern
blood vessels
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wear your Fractal

I found a company that makes clothing and other oddities with fractal designs. They are actually pretty cool. Check it out here.
Exam Fun
Egyptian Fractals
Art and Fractals

We coexist harmoniously with the fractal patterns in nature, our visual systems process thoughts that themselves have become fractalized, subconsciously in tune with the world around us. In so doing, we have inadvertently added this familiarity to our surroundings by letting fractals permeated our art, architecture, music, and even popular culture.
We can compare a 1920 Mondrain abstract composition with its use of rectangles to a Longone-Birni settlement in Cameroon to the first two stages of a fractal generated piece. This geometric style referred to as Neo- Plasticism, influenced many of architectural and sculptural designs that we now see in the modern world.
Fractal Poem
"To see the world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
To hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour."

Because da Vinci was obsessed with finding order in the universe, mathematics was a huge part of his life. He said, "the point is the first principle of geometry and no other thing can exist in nature or in the human mind from which the point can originate." He said other principles of geometry are the line, the body, and the body clothed by these surfaces.
Angle Calculator
Math and Painting
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Holiday Fractals

Get 4 large shiny Christmas balls, some coloured wrapping paper, some lights from the Christmas tree, and you have you own fractal laboratory to amuse yourself with over the festive season.
The basic setup is four identical, highly reflective balls sitting is a pyramid formation so that each ball touches every other ball. You can look into the gaps between three balls and either shines light into all or one of the other gaps or places colored paper over the gaps and shines light into the same gap one is looking into (or variations of the above). The resulting of reflections, fractal, has what is known as the Wada property after the Japanese mathematician who studied these spatial divisions in 1917. The Wada property refers to cases when there are three basins of attractions so convoluted that every point on a basin boundary is also on the boundary of all other basins.
More Fun Self-Similar Shapes.
I found this video looking for more cool patterns created by self-similar shapes. Some of the patterns in here we have discussed like snowflakes, and other we haven't touched upon, like planets, leaves, and shells.
Fractals built Temples
Monday, December 8, 2008
flower patterns
Math in Motion
Sumo paint
Angles and Focal Lengths
Aperture and Math
Bellows Extension Compensation

Zero to Infinity in Nothing Flat

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Infinity + mirrors = fractals

I just moved into this nice new apartment- already furnished and with several large mirrors hanging. I just realized last night that two big mirrors face each other at either end of the main hallway- you can basically look into infinity in either one although they're only about 15 ft away from each other. The images are self-similar and repeat endlessly...
It reminded me of this famous Dutch painting although i guess Jan Van Eyck's mirror doesn't repeat endlessly- BUT while i was searching for the image i also found this intersting image/info about another mirror.
Tibetan, 17th Century
Divination Mirror of the State Oracle of Tibet
"Seven metal" silver alloy, gold, and turquoise.
"When advising the Dalai Lama, the State Oracle wears an elaborate costume, including this mirror on his chest. In deep trance, he looks into the mirror, not directly, but through another mirror held by an assistant in front of him. Through this doubly distant vision he foretells the future and gives advice."
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Lego Sculptures
These mathematical lego sculptures were made using computer code, which reminded me of what we've been learning about fractal computer programs in class. I think these are especially impressive because the shapes are so curvy even though they are made up of lots of small rectangular blocks. Also, legos are awesome.
the social aspect of art

this is to comment on kcantor's comment on the email conversation that David Thorne had about the drawings. this is a piece that speaks to the very soul on the topic of how can one price art. the worth of this piece to begin with is about 27 million or something. it has diamonds all over it. the point trying to be made by the artist is art has an imaginary number on it. the amount of art is never specified to something like the tools used or how much paint was used but rather it just had a random number placed on it, and yes people thought about the time and effort placed onto their piece and gage that for the amount. however with this piece there is automatically a price tag on the piece, without time placed on making it and the effort of the artist. so as you can see art is less of substance anymore its more about the name behind the piece of late. so what is the true problem today. society or one's self as an artist?
foreign fruit
Monday, December 1, 2008

So i was thinking about fractals and trees. These are an obvious example that we see all the time (especially now that the leaves have fallen the shape of the tiny twigs are so clear and resemble the trunk and main limbs)
so Pruning trees... what does that do to the fractal structure? how do trees compenate for this interference in their natural pattern?
Also Strawberries are amazing and the way they propagate is to send out runners which then take root and grow up to be big enough to send off their own runners. In this way, they are self-similar and continue in an endless fractal-like pattern of growth (more strawberries for everyone!)
I was wondering why we should learn about fractals so I decided to search online to see if it had any relavcence or daily use. To me the images look a little silly and I didnt understand how the Math could be used. But I found this web site that talked about technology that was made through the knowledge of fractals to monitor fluid movements. I don't really understand all of what they say but check it out.
Web Cams
New Wind Turbine Design

A more attractive wind mill design has been made for rural and urban environments. It is pretty cool and definitely eco-friendly. One of these towers can provide 25-30% of the electricity needed to run a house!