Just look at this!
Here you can find the blog dedicated to this cow.
This is what they are saying about it:
The Fractal Cow projects the contradictory vision of contemporary architecture that fractal spaces of nature are being replaced by the artificial fractal spaces of our society.
The conditions of our world's interconnected, hyperactive and dense space can be explored as we perceive it, with its inherent fractal dimensions and qualities exceeding the Cartesian concept of space that has dominated architecture and sculpture.
The underlying structure and labyrinthine networks of the city's architecture are artificial representations of the forms of nature and threaten to obliterate natural environments and vegetation at the same time.
I've never even thought of making fractals out of animal shapes, but I think it is hillarious!
This is awesome! That is the coolest use of fractals I've seen yet, definitely.
haha. I would love to see this flat and not dimensional. It is the weirdest thing I have ever seen.
That is kind of creepy and freaky i think. Theres something oddly gross about cows growing off cows. Can you imagine little humans growing off your skin?
yeah... it reminds me of genetically reorganized animals that will have a higher yield of meat or milk or something..
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