This is continuation from my last comment about the Divine Proportion. I found out that the design process should also follow this "natural language". The Golden Section, or the Divine Proportion is a visual representation of a number called Phi. Phi is a number produced by bisecting a line at a particular point (see above.) Phi is 1.618033988749895, or by the numerical sequence called the Fibonacci sequence. If you use the Divine Proportions in creating your compositions it will improve the communication of the design. I think an example would be paper. Anyone want to figure that one out?
They say this is the best way to arrange anything in a visually pleasing way.
I wonder how they figure those things out? How many different people and images did they have to test to find that it was the most pleasing?
So this guy Jim Roy actually made a web survey to determine whether a golden rectangle was really most pleasing. You can take the poll and/or view the results. He made two versions and the golden rectangle only ended up being most pleasing in one of the two, which I find interesting. So take the poll and see what you really find most pleasing!
As a fellow graphic designer I am very intrigued by this post. I have never even heard of the Divine Proportion in design, but I must say my eye is very pleased with this image.
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