While i was playing with some rosette patterns on Kali, i was reminded of this spider web i once saw.
(the setting- we were in the jungle and my friend was nursing a crazy infection that prevented him from walking...)
I walked in to my friends room to check on him and when i looked in the corner, I was kind of shocked, mostly in awe of this beautiful spider web. When i commented on the intricate and unique pattern, my friend smiled and said "yeah... i watched him make it"
The pattern is amazing to me as is the thought of Joe sitting there all day watching the spider move back and forth through space to weave this web...
Just like we criss cross and set points with the mouse in the Rosette program on Kali, this spider built his web building thread upon thread in this pattern he knew to create...
I find it very interesting that a tiny insect knows instinctively how to create something that we need to take a math class to understand.
yeah, and we are doing things in mathematical patterns all the time too... even our bodies, i think we just need the math class to verbalize and categorize these patterns but i think we already know. don't we instinctively recognize or become attracted to symmetry as well?
when i was in Kali i also noticed the ability to make spider webs. I also was making flowers and snowflakes. its interesting how things in nature are innately symmetrical!
when i was reading your story and i got the part where he said he watchd the spider make the web i got the same image you got of this kid just sitting for hours watching a tiny insect weave itself in and out of space. i think it's amazing they can do stuff like that, i mean we work with our imagination, how do insects work i know it is instinctively but just sometimes i wish charlotte's web was true and spiders could make what they wanted and it wasn't privy to the instinct to hunt. and its funny how we paint and draw and sculpt etc for no reason at all but because it's in us and that what spiders do accept their reasoning is for food/life.
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