Friday, September 19, 2008

Notre Dame's Rosette Stained Glass Window

When I visited Paris this past semester, I went inside Notre Dame and right away noticed the most beautiful stained glass rosette pattern on its wall. The colors coming through from the sunlight illuminated it so magically. This was the photography that I had taken myself. It was so amazing.

The 3 rosette patterns in the church were constructed in the 13th Century. Each element of the design represents the flowers of Heaven, which resemble roses with multi-coloured glass petals. Each coloured petal sets off the others, but the design is not only used for its visual impact, it is a reminder that everyone is unique, but the children of God are even more beautiful when they come together!


Reuven said...

I've been there twice and each time I am completely blown away by the architecture. I totally know what you mean about the stained glass windows also. I just stood there looking at it for awhile. Notre Dame's cathedral is one of my favorites.

P.S. The La Grada Cathedral in Spain is quite a sight to see also.

Alyssa Venuto said...

OK so here's my guess. The rosette pattern in the picture is a dihedral rosette, rotation order 12?