Sunday, September 14, 2008

i really see you upside down

while reading the article for homework this weekend i found it fascinating that our brains can recognize symmetry almost immediately especially when it is a vertical line running down the image which then got me to thinking about the brain and how it works. and if really our eyes see everything upside down and our brain processes what our eyes are seeing and turns it right side up to give the "correct" image then is that why we see vertical symmetry better than any other kind of symmetry, because i brain is working to rotate an image to begin with so technically we are seeing it rotated, although our mind does not let us realize that, so our mind is seeing the dimensions of an objects and somewhat studying the object while it's rotating it so we can recognize it. so my point is; is there a connection for realizing vertical symmetry rather than horizontal or cyclic or dihedral symmetry to the way our brain works and the way it sees an object and does an extensive amount of work on it to then let us realize what we are seeing. and if we did not have the ability to do this and our eyes worked as they should and saw everything right side up would our perceptions change?

1 comment:

Angela V-C said...

It's also interesting how how eyes flip things that are upside down. I've always really like this upside down face illusion